Time dependence of infrasonic ambient seafloor noise on a continental shelf
SACLANTCEN is conducting a long term programme of ambient noise measurements that cover the frequency band from 1 to 100 Hz. A sea-bed sensor consisting of three seismometers and a hydrophone has been deployed close to the edge of the continental break in water of 100 m depth. The data are being systematically collected and telemetered via radio link to SACLANTCEN. The initial data (105 days) have been used to investigate the noise characteristics and its statistics.
Report Number
In: Selected papers on ocean-seismo acoustics low-frequency underwater acoustics (SACLANTCEN Conference Proceedings CP-37), 1986, pp. 1-1 - 1-12.Date
Akal, Tuncay
; Barbagelata, Alessandro
; Guidi, Guido
; Snoek, Michael